I was only 12 years old when we left Ethiopia in 1977, during a time of political tension and unrest under communist rule. Everyone lived in fear of persecution…
Azam Hassan
The commemoration of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, the best of mankind, is an occasion celebrated in all corners of the Muslim world.
Gihan Hassan
The celebration of the birth of our Master Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, is a tradition that has enriched the soul and spirit of Muslims for nearly 900 years…
Saleem Yusuf
The Markaz, a cherished space for our community, is more than just a piece of land; it is a hub of culture, faith, and unity. This is a space to learn Islamic knowledge, have sleepovers, play soccer, learn Qur’an, and serve as a vital centre for communal activities...
Gihan Hassan
As a Harari woman navigating the Western world, I often find myself in an inner conflict that feels like a civil war beneath my skin. Born into the land of the West yet steeped in the traditions of my Harari heritage...
Azam Hassan
Alhamdulillah, we find ourselves at the start of yet another new Islamic year. May Allah bless you all with a year full of joy and blessings in abundance.
Sitra Abdosh
Since the establishment of Markaz Al-Hidaya, we have been lucky to have a place that serves our community for many purposes. It is a place where we, Melbournian Hararis, can gather to preserve the richness of our Harari traditions and share knowledge.
Saleem Yusuf
Ramadan, the holiest month in the Islamic calendar, transcends mere abstention from food and drink from dawn till dusk. It's a time of spiritual rejuvenation, reflection, and communal solidarity.
Saleem Yusuf
Passion is the fervent flame that propels us toward pursuits that resonate deeply within. It embodies a profound connection to our interests, values, and aspirations, driving us to pursue excellence and fulfillment in our endeavors.
Tasnim Saadi
Whether it is to simply escape the constant go-go-go lifestyle we live in during this dynamic era or if it’s a means to stay connected with our roots, hobbies are important as they are the one thing you do without any expectations from anyone.

Salaam Community Members
You are cordially invited to join us for our annual Shawwal Eid celebrations!!
The Hararian Organisation hosted a joyous Mawlid celebration on the 1st of October 2023, which was to commemorate the birth of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.
In an effort of reaping the immense rewards of Ramadan, this year we have organised daily Ramadan lessons that run for an hour online for a variety of age groups. Join us virtually in the links below for our next lesson In shaa’ Allaah!
The Victorian Government has announced a 5-day lock-down in response to the surge in COVID-19 Cases.
The Hararian Organization INC would like the pleasure of your company at this Ramadan’s Khatimat night.
The Hararian Organization INC would like the pleasure of your company in commemorating the birth of beloved Prophet Muhammad, may peace and blessings be upon him.
The 10th day of the Islamic month of Muharram is called The Day of ^Ashura’ and is a historic day where many great events took place.
“Lam Arafah, Islâm Arafah... May Allaah make it the Eid day of sacrificial slaughter of the cow, may He not make it the Eid where Muslims are slaughtered.” These words have been repeated by Hararis every year since the tragic Eid Day massacre in Harar on August 30th 1897.
This statement is issued by the Hararian Organization of Victoria.
HARARIAN ORG is calling on the community to be alert and aware during this difficult time by following the instructions of the Ministry of Health regarding the prevention process.
The Hararian Organisation is excited to announce that with the completion of this years Ramadan 1441H, we will be continuing weekly lesson online. These evening lessons will run on Tuesday, Friday and Saturdays.