The Blessed Day of ^Ashura'
The 10th day of the Islamic month of Muharram is called The Day of ^Ashura’ and is a historic day where many great events took place. It is the day Allaah accepted the repentance of Prophet Adam after he committed the small sin (not one that shows low-self respect) when he ate from the forbidden tree in Paradise. It is also the day Prophet Nuh’s ark landed safely after the flood and the day Allaah saved Prophet Musa from the evil Pharoah. It is also the day where the grandson of the Prophet, Hussain the son of ^Aliyy, was martyred. It is recommended to fast the day of ^Ashura’.
^Ashura’ is a significant day for Muslims globally and recollecting the historic events encourages one to reflect on their own selves and remember their hereafter.
In Harar, youth throughout the city on ^Ashura’ run in packs, wielding large sticks, singing words of supplication (wirshâto) at the gates, or courtyards, of peoples’ homes. The inhabitants of the homes, after having allowed the youth to sing a number of times, would then throw a qulu’ to them. The qulu’ filled with water is shattered in a hurried frenzy of striking with the sticks and the shards are collected to make a toy called a bufhagn. A circular string [or thin piece of leather] is thread through the shard (circular or square) and continuously pulled at both ends, allowing the shard to rotate fast and with a distinct blowing sound. A person would then battle their bufhagns with another, with the loser being the one whose bufhagn was cut or broken by a stronger and/or faster one.
Hyenas in the city of Harar, Ethiopia
On ^Ashura, representatives of the Afôchas (social groups) offer the hyenas that frequent the city shûr in a large, medium and small sized bowl (gabata). It is said that this act of charity is done hoping to receive blessings for the coming year. Also, it was a means of domesticating hyenas such that they reduced their attacks on people. Shûr is also delivered to the custodians of the various maqâms in Harar and where those present recite Surat Yassin, Surat al-Mulk and make du^a for the inhabitants of the city.
May you receive happiness, safety and blessings in the year 1442H.