Mawlid An-Nabiyy
Gihan Hassan
The celebration of the birth of our Master Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, is a tradition that has enriched the soul and spirit of Muslims for nearly 900 years. Across the world, Mawlid is an occasion that fills hearts with love for the Prophet ﷺ, reminding us of his mercy, wisdom, and character. For the Harari community, this celebration has always held a special place, blending both culture and religion in a meaningful and deeply spiritual way.
The Hararian Organization takes great pride in using this blessed event to promote praiseworthy deeds and to inspire the community to live in line with the teachings of the Prophet ﷺ. Our grandfathers were instrumental in shaping what Mawlid has become today, from the Quran recitations to the rhythmic chanting sessions that bring people together in remembrance. These chants, performed in turns by two groups, follow along with the Mawlid Kitab, a book that recounts a dream experienced by Lady Amina, the mother of the Prophet ﷺ. The recitation is interspersed with praises for the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, serving as a beautiful opportunity to engage in dhikr, enriching both the heart and soul.
This year, I had the honour of joining a group of creatives who helped organise a walk-through of the Prophet’s life ﷺ. Through visual displays, we showcased stories of key moments in his life, as well as foods and fruits the Prophet ﷺ enjoyed, all of which are mentioned in the Quran. The aim was to reflect on his character and legacy and to offer attendees a deeper connection to his life. It was a profound experience that filled me with a renewed sense of love and admiration for the Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him.
Hilal Newsletter
Gihan Hassan, Contributer
Gihan Hassan is a first-year podiatrist who enjoys reading and learning new things. She has a passion for literature and history as it presents opportunities to step back and understand the world we live in. Reading is her go-to pass time where books surround the tables and floors of her room.