Annual Dec 24 Fundraiser Event


Arwa Edris

Every year, our youth curate a fundraiser event on the 24th of December where they are involved in bringing the event to fruition from start to end. The funds raised from the night are used by Hararian Organisation to facilitate future events and the growth of our community. It is through these funds raised that we've been able to purchase our newest markaz [community centre], where we plan on building more facilities to facilitate our growth. Your donations directly contribute to our community in fostering a nurturing and harmonious environment for our current and future generations.

The Dec 24 Committee of AYM conduct meetings months before the event to work through the creative processes and logistics needed to pull the event off. Some of these things include deciding on a theme for the event, the event program, marketing, event tickets and organising food for the night. Our youth work tirelessly in the months leading up to the event to ensure they are always producing the best work they can.

Each year the fundraiser is centred around a theme which is incorporated throughout the night. If we take a look back, the following were the previous themes:

2011: The Youth Fundraiser

2012: Harari, our language

2013: Qurân Gêy

2014: An ode to our mothers and fathers

2015 : Shaykh Abdullaah al-Harari

2016: The journey from Harar to Melbourne 

2017: Remembering Celenqo

2018: Farewell Markaz

2019: Madīnatul Awliyā’ - Harar, The City of Saints

Hararian Org