2019 Dawrah Camp


Aida Mohammed

Camp 2019 – what an experience! I can confidently speak for every individual when I say that we had successfully pulled off one of the most challenging yet rewarding community event Melbourne has seen. Although short-lived, our 3 days together was blessed to say the least. From the beautiful lessons, to the group activities– we couldn’t have asked for a better community event. Personally, I found it beautiful to see such level of co-operation, respect, and love we all have for one another on this journey – being the first camp and not hav-ing past experiences to learn from. As effortless as the camp may have looked, our committee worked tirelessly to deliver what most regarded as being an “excellent community bonding experience”.

With that said, here is a bitter- sweet reflection of our time organising:

Right from the start, I would like to say I was honoured to be a part of the 2019 camp committee alongside a group of wonderful individuals. Although it may have been a slow start, we hit the ground running and were able to come together every Saturday and even some days in between to organise and finalise transport, food, activities, sleeping arrangements, daily schedules and more. Together, we were able to brainstorm and divide the workload to ensure we met the fast-approaching deadlines.

On the days we were unable to meet up, we kept in touch over whatsapp –with the banter keeping us sane and not too stressed!

Extending our invitation beyond the youth has been the greatest decision. We watched our fathers play a fun game of volleyball, our mothers unwind through bunna (coffee) and zikri, our kids swim in the pools and our youth participate in fun activities such as canoeing and zip-lining.

On that note, I would like to say thank to everyone who attended, participated, volunteered and helped in any aspect. I am grateful to have been a part of this amazing journey and a part of such a beautiful community. I pray we are able to help grow and develop our community bond with many other amazing experiences ahead In Shaa’Allah.

Hararian Org