Saturday School Nostalgia


Gihan Hassan

‘Go home, go home’ was the words I always wished to hear right after Ustad Ramzy would ask me if I had done my Arabic homework from the previous week. Ustad Ishaq’s yells at 12.40pm with a selection of chocolates hand thrown to you by Ustad Badri was always the perfect way to start off your Saturday afternoon. Saturday school was the environment that allowed us to learn our deen [religion], to establish life-long friendships and memories and strengthen our jama’a [community]. If I were to ask, ‘what was your favourite memory from Saturday school?’, what would you respond?


Speaking to Ustatha Neihad, she said her favourite moment was performing 'Al-Huda Madrasa’ during the Saturday School closing ceremony. She recalled  the feelings and emotions with her peers describing it as a ‘powerful moment’ with her ‘united family’ through the words of the nasheed. She connected the experience to the gratitude felt towards the teachers, the parents and the school collectively, that ‘we owe them for their sacrifices and for their teaching and guidance’. 


Similarly, Ustatha Maryam relived the experiences she had during the closing ceremonies. Growing up in the Noble Park Saturday School, she spoke about how the two campuses would come together in order to bring about the ‘celebration of learning, achievement and growth’ at the Al-Huda Schools. She drew attention to the atmosphere of the ceremonies being ‘so wholesome’ and that ‘it was nice seeing everyone from the teachers, parents and students altogether’.


May Allah reward all our wonderful teachers who have taught us for all these years. Ameen.

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Hararian Org