To me, Success Means...


Saleem Yusuf

Mansions, supercars, beach houses and yachts. In this day and age, they’re almost all synonymous with joy and success. This begs the questions: Does that mean we are not happy or successful? What about our parents for that matter? My parents came here with nothing and managed to put two kids through school, university, learning their deen [religion] while ensuring there’s a roof over our heads and food on the table. I can honestly say it’s genuinely incredible and more than I could have ever done at their age as far as I’m concerned!

To me, the stereotypical version of success pushed through movies and social media is just that, a stereotype. You can try to buy everything in sight, have the newest phone, fastest car or biggest house and then what? As you get older you’ll learn that there will always be a newer and faster car, a bigger house, and you can continue to chase money and social status. However, it is truly an aimless chase. 

Now, I’d be a liar if I said I didn’t like nice things and there’s nothing wrong with making money. But the moments that brought me the most joy hasn’t been buying myself a new fit but has always been spending time with my family, going out with them and being fortunate enough to be able to cover the bill. I owe them everything and I know because of them we are in such fortunate positions where we don’t need to work as hard as they did. With this, we have been given the opportunity to double what they made and still have time to spare. Having money and time to afford and live the life YOU want and still have that time to spend with family and friends is what success is to me.

Art by Halima Diyab as part of Art For Yemen Auction

Art by Halima Diyab as part of Art For Yemen Auction

Hararian Org