Using your time during lockdown  


Azam Hassan  

With the uncertainty and the lack of data on this virus and as the more severe lockdown restrictions have now resurfaced, a second lockdown which was a distant possibility has now become a reality. Our reality. 

For many of us, this period has been a blessing in disguise. It has provided a well-needed break from the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives. A time to reconsider and restructure our priorities and re-evaluate things that we unconsciously spend our time on. Time we could all better spend learning islamic lessons, revising our notes and making up missed prayers or fasts. Ultimately-to refocus our attention on the Deen [religion].   

Take time exclusively (and I can’t stress this enough) to check on your mental health and to build on a better psychological well-being. This may mean identifying triggers,  recognising  causes or past traumas, mending bad relationships, breaking bad habits, or learning how you could better deal with stress and anxiety. Speak to someone about these if necessary; a loved one or a professional.  

Increase family time, call a relative that you haven’t spoken to in a while or a friend that you’ve lost contact with, and have  story times  with your parents or grandparents. Start something new that you’ve always wanted to try, read that book that’s been collecting dust on your shelf, learn to bake, start painting or learn to trade. With the internet search engines being as extensive as your imagination is, your opportunities are vast, so research and get stuck into it! Time will pass by regardless of what you do so why not make it worthwhile?   

Lastly, take this time to take a break from the world. Who knows when we’ll get time off like this again? Reflect, reset, and stay safe.  

Hararian Org