The Benefits of A Social Workplace


Azam Hassan

In time for all the career talks as we wrapped up AYM’s career expo on the 24th of September, I wanted to discuss something many may overlook in this area – the importance of having a thriving social environment in the workplace.

I have been working a corporate job for nearly three years now, one of which I was locked away working from home, and I can honestly say that the social aspect of the workplace holds significant advantages. Building friendships and a support network is monumental for your professional and personal growth and helps give you a better sense of working in a team. Whether it's tips and tricks to the trade or burning questions that need to be answered, it provides an outlet to facilitate this.

These connections have helped me learn from others past experiences, gain new perspectives and develop valuable skills (even if it’s just where to get the best coffee near the office). Being around each other fosters a type of friendship through the 9-5 obstacles, which in a corporate setting helps reduce stress, provides a support system during challenging times and allows for times of relaxation during the workday. In all my years of being a corporate worker, I have found it to be monumental in helping me get on and stay on the right track through all its hurdles. Making the workday itself feel more enjoyable and provides a sense of togetherness especially when under the pump.

So, my advice would be to be open-minded to small talk with your colleagues and communicate with as many people as you can at your workplace. You would be surprised by the many hidden gems coworkers can bring.


Hilal Newsletter

Azam Hassan, Contributor

Born and raised in Melbourne, Australia Azam Hassan holds a bachelor’s in accounting and finance. He is interested in developing his writing skills by creatively challenging himself through Hilal Newsletter.

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