Sha^ban Reflections


Mina Ibrahim

With the month of Ramadan right around the corner, it is important for us to continue to learn and reflect about the lessons embedded in the wondrous night journey of Isra wal Miraj. It was on this journey that the five daily prayers were ordained upon us. Originally it was ordained upon us to pray fifty prayers a day, this was then lessened to five daily prayers, while the reward equivalent to 50 prayers remained the same, look at the mercy of Allah!

It was among the revelations that the prophet received above the heavens, so how important are the five  daily prayers then? We all know the importance of fulfilling our prayers as an obligation but unfortunately we may not truly understand its importance as an intrinsic part of our daily lives. Our prayers should account for more than ticking off a box at the end of the day. We often lack priority in our daily prayers where we try to fit them into our busy worldly schedules rather than the other way around where our daily lives should revolve around our five daily prayers. 

On this same journey the Prophet ﷺ saw this world in the shape of an old woman wearing a great deal of  jewellery. This is the situation of the world. This world is old, indeed it is coming to an end, we should not be tricked and fooled by its glimmer, for indeed its glimmer is temporary. It is important to remind oneself that the jewels of Jannah are much better than anything this world can offer. 

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ also saw a bull who exited from a small outlet, then after trying it could not return through this small outlet. Jibril told the Prophet, "This is the example of the bad word - once spoken, it cannot be returned." There is a beautiful lesson in this about the dangers of the tongue. It can account for great rewards but it can also account for great sins. We can prepare for Ramadan by looking into one’s own heart, and  the contents in it. Evaluate your own shortcomings by having an honest conversation with yourself. And begin by performing dhikr because dhikr increases one’s Iman, we  can seek forgiveness, change our  environment for the better and implement habits to soften our heart and prepare it for the lights of Ramadan.

May Allah allow us to live until Ramadan and reap the benefits in its reward. Ameen.

Hararian Org